sample="supplemental" bates="MNAT00605940" isource="atc" decade="1950" class="ne" date="19580811" PR - Inq Smoking & 1 Allergies August 11, 1958 Mr. H.B. x May 3295 So. Delaware Englewoods, Colorado Dear Mr. May: As indicated in Mr. Bruner's letter to you of August 7, 1958 your query re tobacco allergy has been referred to me for reply. During the past twenty-five years or so we have been engaged in biological research on tobacco and in connection with our experimental work we have attempted to keep abreast with the world literature on this subject. Actually we have abstracted some 6,000 articles and are now in the process of writing a comprehensive book on the biological effects of tobacco and tobacco smoke. In this connection we have recently published the known information bearing on the question of tobacco allergy and, in as much, as this is the area of your interest, I am taking the liberty of enclosing a reprint of this article for your perusal. As you will see from the article we are sending you, there are many areas of needed research in this particular field and it is our plan to continue our interest in this subject both from the literary and experimental points of view. I might add, in closing, that there is no evidence that allergy of any nature is related to any kind of cancer. Sincerely yours, HBM:m enclo Harvey B. Haag, M. B. Professor of Pharmacology. CC Mr. Blanton Bruner XS Tobacco smoke Composition