sample="supplemental" bates="CTRSP_FILES026010" isource="ctr" decade="1970" class="ne" date="19710616" June 16, 1971 Dr. Katherine McD. Herrold Laboratory of Pathology National Cancer Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Doctor Herrold: I hope you received my letter written from Mexico a few months ago apologizing for failing to give you my comments on your article, "A Survey of Histological Types of Primary Lung Cancer in U.S. Veterans," and in particular for not returning your Ms.. We came back from Mexico a few weeks ago and having attended to some medical problems that took some time I am back to the desk which has been generously granted me in my old department. We did locate your Ms. and some other material that you sent me in October 1968, and these are being sent to you separately. I read the article fairly carefully and have no particular suggestions to make. I am entirely in accord with its general thesis that the theory put forward by Kreyberg that smoking causes epidermoid type of cancer of the lung is inadequate and not consonant with the available evidence. An item in this story is that his theory that the increase in the observed death rate from lung cancer is the reflection of an increase in epidermoid cancer was refuted directly in the paper, reference 28 of the enclose reprint. I am sorry that I have not any specific suggestions for your article, and can only say that I hope it will not be long delayed in publication. I do hope you will forgive me for my delay in attending your paper. With best wishes, Sincerely yours, Joseph Berkson, M.D. Emeritus Staff JB:ljg Encl. c.c. Dr. Robert Hockett