sample="quota" bates="ATX300001016" isource="atc" decade="1970" class="ui" date="19770912" Abey 9/19 September 12, 1977 Mr. J. A. Walsh - Manager Accounting Department J R. Costello - Marketing Controller FTC File No. 772 3023 Attached is a copy of an August 9, 1977 ORDER TO FILE SPECIAL REPORT covering, 1976 expenditures. A similar order covering 1975 activities was routed to you with my memorandum dated May 21, 1976. Please have a response prepared for the full Question No. 8 and forwarded to us as soon as practicable. As Mr. P. F. Paoluccio is, at least, partially responsible for the response to Question Nos. 8 (f), 8 (g), 8 (h), 8 (l) and 8 (m) please furnish him with a copy of those portions of your response. Mr. Henson has requested that this information be forwarded to him no later than October 3, 1977. We would appreciate, however, having your response prior to that date. Attachment cc: Mr. P. F. Paoluccio Mr. Z. B. Teel, Jr. Fax