sample="quota" bates="680591270" isource="bw" decade="1980" class="ui" date="19830616" PETERS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Areas of Interest The criteria listed below are intended to guide PTT's coverage and reporting of items of possible interest to B&W. In general, B&W is interested in all articles pertaining to the smoking and health controversy and the criteria listed below should not be considered exhaustive. PTT's purpose should be to provide articles of possible interest and PTT's submission of an article to B&W does not represent an opinion by PTT that the article is relevant or significant to the issues of smoking and health. The criteria should be refined and updated during the course of the project. 1. Lung Cancer, including among other topics physiology and metabolism, such as clearance, mucous flow and airway dynamics of the lung. 2. Other respiratory conditions, including among other topics physiology and metabolism, such as clearance, mucous flow and airway dynamics of the lung. 3. Other cancers. 4. Other systemic conditions, including among other topics physiology and metabolism related to the nervous system; and other conditions or diseases claimed to be associated with tobacco smoke, such as decreased visual acuity, decreased psychomotor performance and cerebral vascular disease. 5. Heart and circulation, including among other topics physiology and metabolism relating to the cardiovascular system and mechanisms of heart disease (in vivo and in vitro). 6. Pregnancy, fetus and infant. 7. Statistics and epidemiology, including smoking and cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, air pollution, technical statistical shortcomings per se, gathering of data; diagnosis, including techniques, nomenclatures and accuracy; symptoms (e.g., cough) and occupational exposures. 8. Components of cigarettes, tobacco & cigarette smoke, including among other topics analytical chemistry, such as gas and liquid chromatography, infrared and mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance and other investigations as applied to nicotine, "tar", flavors and smoke constituents of tobacco products; and pharmacology, such as "tar", polyclyclic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, nicotine and various flavors and fragrances, cardiotonics, antioxidants, decongestants, opiates, indefines, and anti-inflammatory substances, and flavors, such as perfumes, sensory enhancers, and chemical senses physiology. 9. Smoker Behavior and Psychology, including among other topics, behavioral study such as antismoking interventions, smoking cessation programs, psychological responses, role models and educational programs; other behavioral studies, psychological factors in disease susceptibility and severity, psychoneuroimmunology and other drug use and tobacco use. 10. Genetics and constitutional aspects, including among other topics, susceptibility to disease, origin and cause of disease, oncogenetics, progression of disease, treatment and immunological factors. 11. Carcinogenesis, including among other topics histopathology, such as cell-type classification and pre-cancerous changes; animal or bacterial models, mechanisms of disease origin and factors involved in disease causation other than cigarette smoking. 12. Nonsmokers and children, including among other topics nonsmokers, children and smoking parents and nonsmoking spouses. Agriculture, including such topics as agriculture, agricultural practices, such as fertilizers, infestations and diseases; plant physiology, harvesting and curing and chemical residues. /slh1313i