sample="quota" bates="680258078" isource="bw" decade="1960" class="ni" date="19660917" life E. P. FINCH A. Y. YEAMAN DR. S. J. GREEN INR 8 DR. R. B. GRIFFITH/jac September 17, 1966 THE USE OF P.E.I. Because of our commercial interest in the use of P.E.I. (polyethylene imine), I made an effort during my recent visit to England to determine their views with regard to the use of this compound. The following summary is based on information supplied by Dr. Green. 1. The Imperial Tobacco Company (G.B.&I.) initiated biological tests on smoke condensate prepared from cigarettes made with filters containing high levels of P.E.I. in 1965. These tests are nearing completion and final results should be available by the end of this year. According to Dr. Green the data obtained thus far would indicate that P.E.I. can be used safely. 2. BAT and the Imperial Tobacco Company have informed other members of TRC that the use of P.E.I. is contemplated. Gallaher's has raised objections and apparently has written a report challenging the use of P.E.I. on theoretical grounds. Dr. Green expressed the opinion that Gallaher's opposition is based on competitive implications and believes that the biological tests now in progress will prove that they are wrong. 3. When asked if he knew of any reason why we could not consider the use of P.E.I. in a commercial product, Dr. Green expressed the opinion that we could use it safely. In view of the above I can see no reason, what so ever, why we cannot use P.E.I. in a commercial product, such as LIFE, and would recommend that we proceed with our marketing plans. R.B.G. Patents see cigarette filters - inquire Housewill/ Rojner