sample="quota" bates="518653607" isource="rjr" decade="1990" class="ni" date="19961101" 11/4/96 Copy to Renee Fray Robert Ridge Thanks, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company Dave Wilmesher Area Vice President Northeast Sales Area 910 741-1281 SENT VIA E-MAIL November 1, 1996 TO: Rich Kane Mark Young Jay Loftin Jim Piscitelli Bill Roght Peter Schmidt Larry Poole Don Fitzgerald Subject: NACS Notes, etc. I've talked to some of you about some of these issues. Please address if appropriate: 1) Vince Auletta (216) 442-7775 Di Stefanos Highland Heights, OH Trying to get RJR to call on him. We have not followed-up according to him 2) Country Fair - Need to contact Keith McGarvey, Executive Vice President to clean up issue w/Quick Fill Renee 3) Need to follow up with Tripifoods - Carl Tripi explaining program we have on Cigarette Outlets 4) Thorton Oil - Need to redo our proposal. Think about promotions to drive program vs. # of displays, also manpower implications. Make them feel they have something no one else has. (point of difference) 5) Updated list of legislative and senate candidates: Pro/con to Tobacco Industry as soon as possible. Have Bruce Cook, Public Issues to talk to their people. 6) Village Pantry - We need to follow-up with Ron Walicki quick! 7) Sheetz - New stores are under-performing with cigarettes only. Why? Would like pricing information. Will have Jerry Moore or Steve Zitta call Dave Hazelet to find out exactly what he wants. Robert FYI - 8) Christy's - Wants/needs to do something aggressive in a few stores along New Hampshire border; such as, (banners/advertising/multi-pack/carton deals). 9) Wawa - Howard OK'd test and should be a go for January - February, 1997. Stated he has seen some softness in last 6 weeks. Complimentary of our approach. Stay after it/stay agressive! Fray FYI - 10) Also noted the following on a recent spending report: Pittsburgh - .50¢/$5.00 CWS? Buffalo - .50¢/$5.00 Salem? Bill, Overall NACS went very well. Customers were very complimentary of where we are and also of RJR people calling on them. Congratulations and keep up the good work! Sincerely, 0259DW/di Small # in Albany Newport $5.00