sample="quota" bates="504585128" isource="rjr" decade="1980" class="ui" date="19850415" PRODUCT RESEARCH PROPOSAL (MDD #85-42710) Title: RITZ Menthol and Non-Menthol Prototype Tests Background: NFO retests for the current menthol and non-menthol RITZ manufactured products are being fielded to ensure product replication from the HLP original prototypes. In addition to this HLP manufactured product testing (under separate proposal), testing of prototypes from the GDX-2/Protos machinery is also needed. This proposal addresses the NFO testing of these Protos prototypes; a proposal for a Concept/Product Test will be routed separately. There will be two non-menthol GDX-2/Protos prototypes tested on NFO. One of these prototypes will replicate the in-market Mark 9/HLP produced non-menthol prototype and the other will be a higher tar/strength prototype. A higher tar prototype is included since past concept/product work has indicated that stronger prototypes appeal to a greater number of full flavor concept acceptors while at the same time not losing appeal among FFLT concept acceptors. These two prototypes will also be tested via concept/product testing. Two menthol prototypes will also be produced on GDX-2/Protos machinery and tested through NFO. One will be replication of the Mark 9/HLP produced menthol prototype, and the second prototype will be a variation of this prototype with an increased tar/strengh level. A third menthol prototype, with a decreased tar/strength level is planned for testing in July. The lower tar/strength menthol product is being evaluated, since, previous development work regarding strength has been implemented solely on the non-menthol style. These three menthol prototypes will also be tested via concept/product tests. Objective: To determine whether RITZ prototypes made on the Protos machinery achieve the acceptance levels generated by the original RITZ prototypes. Action Standards: Non-Menthol Parity with the original non-menthol prototype (301C) among FFLT NM 100mm Female Smoker Aged 18-34 FFLT NM 100mm Female Stylish Segment Smokers Aged 18-34 FFLT NM 100mm Female Smokers Aged 18-24 Menthol Parity with the original menthol prototype (62C) among FFLT NM 100mm Female Smokers Aged 18-34 FFLT NM 100mm Female Stylish Segment Smokers Aged 18-34 FFLT NM 100mm Female Smokers Aged 18-24 Methodology: The standard unidentified two-pack monadic product test design will be used. Responses will be obtained by telephone callback interviews conducted by NFO. Each prototyope will be tested among 545 FFLT 100mm Female Smokers 300 18-34 FFLT 100mm Stylish Segment Female Smokers 300 18-24 FFLT 100mm Female Smokers Timing: Cost: TOTAL COST: $56,930 Supplier: National Family Opinion Source of Funds: Revised 1985 RITZ Research Budget (Pending Transfer of Funds) Concurrence: Marketing Development Initials Date A. B. Nance E. C. Etzel G. J. Totterdale E. J. Fackelman Brand Management Initials Date K. V. McCaffrey J. A. Herberger S. A. MacKinnon