sample="quota" bates="503025412" isource="rjr" decade="1980" class="ui" date="19820624" R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY JULY 9, 1982 A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON SALEM ULTRA LIGHTS PACKAGING -Danbury, Connecticut June 24, 1982 NICHOLAS RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, INC. 241 WAVERLY PLACE NEW YORK CITY 10014 (212) 666-4269 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The goal of the Danbury research was to gauge reaction to three proposed package designs for Salem Ultra Lights, to find out what properties and characteristics of Salem Ultra Lights the designs suggested, and what image value they carried. In addition, the importance of a possible graphic device was determined, as were feelings about how the most successful of the proposed package designs might fit with current packaging for the other Salem family members. METHOD Three focus group sessions were held in Danbury, Connecticut, June 24. All respondents were ultra low tar smokers between the ages of 18 and 34 who smoked at least ten cigarettes per day. Two groups were composed of females, one of males. A WORD OF CAUTION As with all qualitative research, the indications are to be viewed as suggestive, rather than definitive. The emphasis in this project is primarily on the quality of what the respondents say and the implications of their feelings and emotions. The pertinence and importance of any comment and finding develop as the point comes up in various sessions, and is manifested in one way or another by the respondents in the different sessions. Since we have too often been unwilling witnesses to the misuse of qualitative research in formulating marketing strategy, we feel obligated to inject a note of caution for the reader of this report. There are a number of clear-cut purposes served by qualitative research as well as a number of objectives that it cannot and should not attempt to meet. Qualitative research can: - Develop hypotheses about the subject. - Obtain insights into the social processes of group interactions as they relate to the subject, as well as how they are discussed. Qualitative research cannot: - Quantify any of the above so that a "representative" picture is obtained. - Determine how the market will react behaviorally to a subject that group participants have discussed. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The light green pack * Green of LG design is described as soft, pearly, luminous, moist, cool, minty, and soothing. * Color prompts thoughts of refreshing and cool taste and a medium level of menthol taste, a taste gentler than that of other Salems. * Some participants fear light green might betoken too little menthol or too little taste in general. * Starkness of white background of logo suggests to some a rather harsh taste promise. * Minty quality suggested by light green is pleasing to some, troublesome to others, who believe the mintiness would be related to the taste of candy. Taste comparisons * For the most part particpants cannot agree as to whether cigarette in light green pack is lighter or heavier than brand they currently smoke. Often when their brand is perceived as stronger, the cigarette in the light green pack is judged possibly too weak. Those who already smoke Salem Ultra Lights say cigarette in light green pack would be smoother and mintier. Light green pack imagery * Design sometimes prompts thoughts of outdoor scenes and outdoor people. At other times it evokes thoughts of young, inexperienced, first-time smokers. Most often, though, the image emerges as strongly feminine, urban, and sophisticated. * When the design is viewed negatively, the image involves an unassertive, retiring male or female. * When compared to images involving their own brands, the light green pack emerges as more feminine and sophisticated and sometimes as rather frivolous. This is especially true among current Salem Ultra Lights smokers. *Male Ultra Lights smokers believe light green design less feminine than current packaging. The medium green pack * Color of MG proves far less pleasing to respondents, except to males who believe it hints at a stronger, more definite taste and that this color relates better to traditional look of Salem. Most, though, feel medium green means a cigarette that will be harsh and with too high a level of menthol. They find none of the moist, airy breezy properties they impute to the lighter green. * Participants usually believe cigarette in medium green package would be stronger than what they currently smoke. Medium green pack imagery * MG image emerges as far older, less worldly, less upscale, and also less feminine than it does for the light green package. - The menthol would be light, maybe too light. I like to feel a lot of menthol when I smoke. One or two people occasionally were heard to remark that the green here made them think of a lot of menthol, perhaps too much. A few even went on to say the lettering led them to believe the cigarette could have harsh properties or that this idea of harshness was engendered by the strong contrast between the white background behind the logo and the overall green. Several asserted the green of the light green pack suggested a minty quality. A great number felt this could be considered an asset. - The color is minty, minty fresh. Mint has a refreshing, nice taste. The cigarette would be more desirable with a minty taste, cooler. However, perhaps more of those who said this green conveyed a minty message believed this not to be an asset. Some associated mintiness with harsh methol, but the principal objection to mintiness was that it was linked with a sweet, candy taste. - I'm negative to mint. The cigarette would be too sweet. It's crème de menthe or lime sherbet, a kid's cigarette. - The pack is too minty and green. The cigarette would have too much menthol. It might be overpowering, like it could also be too sweet and sugary a taste. - The color kind of reminds you of food, like maybe chocolate mint. Still, it should be noted a good number of those who said they were prone to think of a minty or even a candy taste later declared this to be a secondary observation concerning the properties of the Salem Ultra Lights that could be inside this pack. Taste comparisons Further perspectives as to the nature of the cigarette in the light green pack were revealed when respondents were invited to compare it with their current brand. There appeared to be no strong thread of agreement. For example, some of the True smokers said they thought the Salem Ultra Lights in the light green package would be lighter than True, while others said it would be stronger. The same split occurred when the packaging was compared to Merit Ultra Lights. Very often when it was said the new Salem Ultra Lights might be lighter than what was currently smoked, the implication was clear the level of lightness was too great. - IT would be fresher and lighter than True. - It could be stronger than True. - True is harsher. The light green means it will be softer and mintier. - It could be lighter than True, but it might not have enough taste because of the light green. True looks like it might be more satisfying, especially when you really need a cigarette. The light green would be okay when you don't really need one that much. - I think this might be stronger than Merit Ultra Lights. It would have a lot of taste. It might even be too strong, although I like the idea of more taste. - I think this could be lighter than Merit Ultra Lights in a negative way. - This might give you more of a lift than Merit Ultra Lights. A Kool Ultra Lights smokers aid he thought the light green Salem Ultra Lights would not be as light because his pack was all white. He said he wanted that assurance of less harshness. Another, however, claimed he felt the light green Salem Ultra Lights might be too weak, and this seemed to come from the notion the dark green lettering used on the Kool pack was a sign of stronger taste. A Now smoker said she thought the light green Salem Ultra Lights would be lighter but still provide a good menthol taste. A Barclay smokers aid she felt there would not be as much flavor as in Barclay. A Carlton smokers aid these Salem Ultra Lights would be smoother and mintier. Those who already smoked Salem Ultra Lights said that they expected the cigarette in the new light green pack would be sweeter and mintier. One or two added they believed this increase in mintiness would make the cigarette harsher. Others said the increase in green on the pack meant to them Salem Ultra Lights had become lighter and acquired a milder menthol. The graphic device The respondents also saw a version of the light green pack that incorporated a graphic device (LG-P, LG-P1) consisting of three lines. Very often the respondents referred to this as a puff and said the device said to them the cigarette was even airier and fresher than it might be without the lines. They were reminded of a breeze, of waves, and they liked the lines very much. Most said the graphic device should be included in any new package design. - It's lively and airy. It's cool. It has pizazz and energy. It's exciting. It makes what's already good better. Some said they might not ordinarily notice the three lines, and a few suggested perhaps a leaf would be more appropriate. Most of the female Ultra Lights smokers did not recall the pine tree logo, but the male Salem Ultra Lights smokers did remember it. They were of the opinion the tree signified cool refreshment. Which did they prefer, the tree or the puff? Those who said they preferred the tree said it was directly connected with cool menthol and a natural, refreshing taste. Those who said they preferred the lines claimed the tree could also make them think of winter and the extreme cold, or they could not make a connection between pine trees and smoking. In contrast, the lines were airy, breezy, and "uplifting." Some urged that both the tree and the puff should be used. One group also said they preferred to have silver rather than a green bundle. Those who said they preferred the green were women who described the green bundle as an aquamarine they found more feminine than silver. The family The participants were next queried as to how the mostly successful light green Salem Ultra Lights package design would fit with existing designs of Salem family members. Several said they thought the progression from Full Flavor green to Lights white to the proposed Ultra Lights light green was logical and convincing. - This flows from the stronger to the lighter. The light green is the lowest tar because it's cooler than white, which is stark and bright. The light green is definite, the Lights white is definite, and the light green Ultra Lights is soft. Some also said the progression was logical because the two greens represented two extremes while the white was in between and not definitive. Several of the male respondents felt medium green made a more consistent family member because it was closer to the original Salem color. Many of them however, believed white should be the color of the Ultra Lights pack because white signified the lightest taste available. Many of the female respondents also agreed with this observation. - White should be the lowest. White is cleaner. It's the logical Ultra Lights color. The female Salem Ultra Lights smokers also disagreed with the progression, but mostly because they did not like the idea of the current pack being replaced by the light green design. They felt, in fact, that silver, as it was seen in the current package, indicated an absolute not approached by the proposed design. - The current pack is sharp and it says ultra. The silver is quiet and the design is modern and sophisticated. It's slender. It kind of reminds you of a silver Corvette. It says it's the ultimate. When you change the silver to light green it looks like you could go farther, that you haven't reached the ultimate. These Ultra Lights smokers sometimes admitted they would probably stick with the brand even if the design were changed in a way they did not approve. - I'd still buy the cigarette. It has proved itself to me, but I'd think they were stupid to change the package. Why do they want to go from a modern, with-it package to something that looks like mouthwash? A few, though, asserted they might not buy Ultra Lights in the future because the package design, for them, could indicate a change in cigarette properties. And one or two simply stated they would definitely switch because of aesthetic and, for them, image change. PACKAGING DESIGNS