sample="quota" bates="502851703" isource="rjr" decade="Bliley" class="ni" date="19680523" May 23, 1968 TO: Dr. Frank G. Colby Manager Science Information Division FROM: Rhenda H. Bolin Scientific Literature Surveyor SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report PERIOD: April 22, 1968 ACTIVITIES: I. Larynx File 1. Thirty-eight cards were typed from 10 primary references for the affiliation index. This index is currently up-to-date. 2. The checking and correcting of the citation index begun last month was completed and work was begun on the articles that had not yet been included in this index. So far, 280 cards from 40 articles have been typed and there are approximately 100 articles yet to be done. 3. Slips, 274, were typed for the subject index from those articles indexed last month. These were xeroxed for the subject index sheets, a copy of all subject terms from one article per sheet. 4. All larynx references were pulled from this month's shipments of 3i cards. One primary and 3 secondary references were added to the files. Phantom and co-author cards were made and filed. 5. Our files and letters were checked to ascertain which primary references, hard copies, had not been sent to Mr. Jacob. Due to several changes in policy, there were 100 primary articles which, according to our records, he did not have. These were pulled, copied and sent to him. 6. A 3 x 5 card consisting of the 3i number, authors, year of publication, and our number was typed for each article in the primary file in order to establish a 3i numerical bibliography. A copy was sent to Mr. Jacob along with a request to let us know if he did not have a hard copy of any of the references listed. 7. All references from all sources were checked for pertinent larynx references. II. Cards Filed 1. Approximately 200 No. 18 cards were filed into the general file. The No. 17 cards were marked with a "c" to denote that co-author cards had been made. 2. The senior author's name was written on approximately 325 No. 18 cards. 3. Approximately 125 No. 17 cards were filed. 4. Approximately 1670 co-author cards from the old separate co-author card file were filed into the general file. There are approximately 2850 yet to be incorporated into the general file. 5. Approximately 60 IBM cards, mostly larynx phantom cards, were filed into the general file. III. Current References File 1. Approximately 290 references from various library personnel were checked for articles pertinent to the smoking and health question. 2. Five hundred and twenty-six references, including the April Current Digest, were alphabetized and checked against the general file. After discussing 204, 322 were filed into the sheet file. 3. Approximately 325 current No. 3i cards were checked against the sheet file. Sixty sheets were discarded. 4. A list of one hundred and eighty-seven current references were checked for Dr. Colby. We had received 86 from 3i. These cards were pulled, alphabetized and xeroxed. IV. 1966 and Earlier File 1. Approximately 75 IBM cards were checked for references pertinent to the smoking and health question. 2. Two hundred and twenty-nine references were checked against the general file and 149 were discarded. Phantom cards were made for the remaining 80 references. Both the IBM and phantom cards were filed. 3. Abstracts were typed for 29 articles abstracted last month. Two additional articles were abstracted. V. The following letters were sent: 1. Notification of the change in personnel to Messrs. Ed. Cooke, Leonard Zahn, Ed. Jacob, Gerald Brodsky, Kenneth Austin, Simon O'Shea and Dr. Frederick Gilller. 2. List of errors found in one shipment of 3i cards to Mr. Simon O'Shea. This letter included the description of the card (No. 10283) Mr. Ramm sent to Dr. Colby. Our cards were found to be defective also. 3. The latest additions to our numerical bibliography, 9 1966 and earlier articles, 100 primary larynx articles and a numerical bibliography of our primary larynx file (mentioned earlier) were sent to Mr. Ed Jacob. 4. Eighteen primary larynx articles were sent to Mr. Gerald Brodsky to be processed through their IS&R system. 5. Copies of the letters sent to Mr. Jacob since July, 1967, and the latest additions to our numerical bibliography were sent to Mr. H. H. Ramm. VI. Papers by A. Furst and Walton were checked for the description of a smoking machine. A smoking machine was mentioned but there was no description given in the abstract of a paper presented by Furst. VII. Articles by F. J. C. Roe, E. L. Wynder, F. Bock and H. L. Falk were scanned for any mention of coumarin. VIII. All articles by R. J. C. Harris and G. Negroni were checked for a more detailed description of the smoking machine used in the work reported in their paper published in British Medical Journal 1967II, 637 (December 16, 1967). The machine was a modification of the one described by D. W. Henderson in a 1952 article. None of our articles, other than the one from the British Medical Journal, contained any mention of this machine. The article by Henderson was obtained from Bowman Gray. IX. A search was made for the information concerning statistics on lung cancer and smoking in Australia. Four papers were located; two by G. Dean and two by H. O. Lancaster. X. Our files were checked for all articles written by C. B. Bahnson. We had three references on file for which he was the senior author and two, co-author. The Index Medicus Cumulative Author Index for the years 1960-1967 and the individual issues for the year 1968 were checked also. Two additional references were found. Photostats of the cards, with abstracts where possible, and of the pages from Index Medicus were made for Dr. Colby. XI. A fractionation scheme for tobacco tar, listing the percentage weight of the carcinogenic fraction, was located in a paper by E. L. Wynder. XII. Dr. Alan Rodgman's reports on the American Association for Cancer Research meetings were checked for a statement by E.L. Wynder that tumor initiators and promoters account for 75% of the carcinogenicity of tobacco tar. This particular statement was not found although two reports dealt with the subject. XIII. The program for the 117th Annual Convention of the American Medical Association was checked for papers pertinent to the smoking and health question. XIV. Copies of 14 No. 17 3i cards numbered 14000 and up were made for Dr. Colby. XV. Nine No. 17 cards were pulled for Dr. Colby and 8 articles were copied. XVI. The subject index for The Health Consequences of Smoking was completed and given to Mr. Thomas to check. The indicated corrections were made and a copy was given to Dr. Colby. XVII. Some time was spent in becoming familiar with Mr. Thomson's files. XVIII. The New York Academy of Sciences Second Conference on the Psychophysiological Aspects of Cancer held in NEw York City on May 20-22 was attended. XIX. Our small powerfile came this month and it was loaded, labeled, etc. XX. Mr. Thomson's report on the Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology was typed. XXI. Mr. Konstantinow's sheets for RJR Reference Bulletin 14 (No. 25) p. 1-8 were processed. (Mr. Knostantinow asked if Mrs. Jones could help him with the Biological Abstracts and BioResearch Index at least until he became current with the searching of these volumes). XXII. Mr. Thomson's monthly reference count is attached to this report. Rhenda H. Bolin RHB/fhv