sample="quota" bates="500016109" isource="rjr" decade="Bliley" class="ni" date="19760429" Television Clearance for Industry Film, "The Answers We Seek" April 29, 1976 Messrs. W. D. Hobbs C. B. Wade, Jr. J. S. Dowdell Bill Kloepfer advises that when this film was made the scientists who participated in the production were told by Shook, Hardy & Bacon that it would be used for motion picture showings only. Consequently, the Institute has made the film available only through the Modern Talking Picture Service, which operates a commercial, nationwide film distribution service. Anyone interested in viewing "The Answers We Seek" can receive a copy on a "free-loan" basis from the film distributor upon request. Kloepfer confirmed that the Institute has no control whatsoever over the audiences that have viewed the film, or those who might do so in the future. He says the Institute has received many requests for television usage. Also, that he has tried to get the film cleared for television use but has been unable to do so as Shook, Hardy is reluctant to request the scientists who participated for television clearance. Kloepfer says the Institute is most anxious to have this film, or a similar production, approved for public service television use. It is badly needed both to respond to requests for a TV film version of the industry's position, and to offer as a rebuttal to the many anti-smoking TV programs that are being aired as a "public service" by network and local TV stations at the request of the public and private health agencies. Bill tells me he and Horace have developed a "strong" presentation on the now critical need for additional scientific backing for both the Institute's State Legislative and Public Relations programs. The need to obtain TV clearance for "The Answers We Seek" will be a part of the presentation they will make to the Executive Committee at the Homestead meeting next month. J.S.D. D/bt cc: H. C. Roemer, Jr. 50001 6109