sample="quota" bates="26425" isource="pm" decade="Bliley" class="ni" date="19890913" LAW OFFICES SHOOK, HARDY&BACON FAX (816) 421-5547 W.U.T. TELEX 426291 SHB KSC A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ONE KANSAS CITY PLACE 1200 MAIN STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64105 (816) 474-6550 OTHER OFFICES: 40 CORPORATE WOODS OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 19 BUCKINGHAM GATE LONDON, ENGLAND September 13, 1989 FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Charles Gielen Nauta Van Haersolte 1016 GB Amsterdam Keizersgracht 384 1001 EW Amsterdam Postbus 10880 Netherlands Re: Stichting Sigaretten Industrie v. Stichting Volksgezondheid en Roken Dear Charles: In response to your letter of August 22, 1989 and pursuant to or telephone conversation on September 8, 1989, I have enclosed the following materials: 1. The Tobacco Institute's reply to the 1986 Surgeon General's Report. 2. Other criticisms of the 1986 Surgeon General's Report. 3. INFOTAB's annual review of the Environmental Tobacco Smoke literature, as of October, 1988. The updated 1989 version will be available shortly and I will provide you with a copy when it is published. 4. A memorandum prepared in our office with respect to the claims made by defendants concerning what happened in the Cipollone case. As indicated in the memorandum, defendant's assertions contain many errors which you could point out in a further brief or at an oral hearing. In addition, I have enclosed some additional materials from INFOTAB which may be helpful with respect to your earlier request for materials in connection with the EC proposal to restrict the use of trademarks, etc. We hope these materials are helpful and please let us know if there is anything more we can do. We would also appreciate your keeping us advised of the progress of the case, including when a hearing may be scheduled. Sincerely, James T. Newsom JTN/tlb Enclosures cc: Donald K. Hoel, Esq. (w/encls.) London Office bcc: Steven C. Parrish (w/encls.) 10138222 2048908737