sample="quota" bates="2501296750" isource="pm" decade="1990" class="ni" date="19931026" ***OV/VM note for JHAIB 26 Oct 1993 16:36 Page 1 of 4 From: JRENAUD --VCH0021A Date and time 26.10.93 15:00:01 To: GIEGENBR--VCH0021A Gerhard Eigenbrod From: Jean-Marc Renaud To: Mr G. Eigenbrod Subject: Tobacco-Brazil: Analytical results Dear Mr. Eigenbrod, Below please find the pesticide residues found on 20 tobacco samples intended to be exported to Brazil. Residues when detected were below the Brazilian maximum permitted limits, except fro lot 11579 with DDT residues of 0.77 ppm. Moreover, significant residues of DDT were found in lots 00110 (0.29 ppm) and 04245 (0.17 ppm). Considering the possible variability due to different sampling protocols, we consider that both samples present a risk of being "over tolerance" in case of control by custom authorities. In case you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, J.M. Renaud