sample="supplemental" bates="2058501072" isource="pm" decade="1960" class="ue" date="19680908" "After Dinner Cigar" LEO BURNETT COMPANY, Inc. Ad No. 113--Req. No. 61305--Page--4 colors--10 x 12½ in. --{San Jose Mercury Oakland Tribune}--September 8, 1968 (A) Printed in U.S.A. "When the after dinner cigars were passed and the political discussion began, she would rise gracefully and lead the ladies into the sitting room." It's different now. Now you can sit there and smoke your slim cigarette. Not too long ago, the only rights you had, if you were female, were the rights to marry, have babies, keep a clean house, and that was about it. You knew your place. If you ever did entertain the thought of smoking, you quickly entertained the thought of smoking where nobody would see you. To find out just how far you've come, try the new filter cigarette for women--Virginia Slims. Virginia Slims are slimmer than the fat cigarettes men smoke. They have the kind of flavor women like--rich, mild, Virginia flavor. And they're tailored for the feminine hand. So they fit your lips better. So they fit your purse better. Extra long. Light one up. Regular or Menthol. You've come a long way. Virginia Slims.