sample="rhetorical" bates="2056136178" isource="pm" decade="1990" class="ui" date="19951012" Philip Morris' Statement in Response To Wall Street Journal Story on Ammonia Ammonia is a naturally occurring component of tobacco. Some types of tobacco, such as Burley, have more ammonia than others. In fact, ammonia is a natural body constituent and is also found naturally in many other foods. Philip Morris uses several ammonia compounds in the cigarette manufacturing process as processing aides and flavorants. The use of ammonia compounds by Philip Morris has been public knowledge for many years. Those manufacturing processes that utilize ammonia compounds have been described in published articles and patents which were filed with the government. Further, the tobacco industry list of ingredients submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services since 1986 includes the ammonia compounds used by Philip Morris. Contrary to the assertions in the FDA report, there is not indication that Philip Morris' use of ammonia in the cigarette manufacturing process "alter[s] the pH of cigarette smoke" and "affect[s] the rate of absorption of nicotine into the blood-stream of the smoker."