sample="quota" bates="2047875511A" isource="pm" decade="1990" class="ni" date="19940204" From: Han, Vic on Fri, Feb 4, 1994 11:57 AM Subject: Day I To: Carraro, Tara; Daragan, Karen; Merlo, Ellen; Parrish, Steve Cc: Holt, Barry Shirley Arnott in Richmond got the call from Day I just a few moments ago. Tara will be calling the reported back within the half hour to get more information. Spoke with Maura Payne at RJR who said the same reporter told her that while Day I had been snooping around flavorings, etc., the story is now definitely about nicotine. Airing won't be fore about three weeks, just preceding Surgeon General's report. Day I is asking RJR specifically for two of their scientists who have published a great deal on the subject. RJR is taking the request on advisement and will not provided a definitive response until next week. Dave will be talking to reporter again today to discuss conditions, guidelines, etc. i.e., reporter is obligated to also contact RJR list of scientists who are expert on subject. Have promised to stay in touch with RJR as we move forward. At this point, RJR is only considering providing scientists.