sample="quota" bates="2043025719" isource="pm" decade="1990" class="ui" date="19940731" VIRGINIA SLIMS CLUB 9999999999999999 Ms. Sample A Sample 1234 Main Street Anytown, US 12345-1615 A private showing for members only. Dear, Sample, Virginia Slims has always had a fresh fashion point of view ...and this season, we're bringing it right off the runways and into your closet. From Edwardian dandy to maxed-out military, ruffled-up romance to retro-chic gone absolutely modern. Virginia Slims V-Wear has everything... except a price tag. And as a preferred Virginia Slims Club member, we wanted you to be the first to get in on it, before it debuts in top national magazines this March. Check out your advance copy of this great new catalog, and you'll find page after page of cutting edge fashions that are all yours free with Virginia Slims pack UPCs (plus postage and handling). We'll show you what to wear and how to wear it... all you add is attitude. So just use these coupons and start saving your UPCs to get into Virginia Slims V-Wear. You'll be the first one to pick up on the only fashion collection that's totally fresh...totally freestyle...and all free with pack UPCs. Sincerely, Wendy Martin P.S. Want a free gift? Take a minute to fill out the enclosed survey, affix this address label and send it back to us. And to make your Virginia Slims V-Wear order even easier, use the other label on your catalog order form. Survey address label 9999999999999999 Ms. Sample A Sample 1234 Main Street Anytown, US 12345-1615 Order form address label 9999999999999999 Ms. Sample A Sample 1234 Main Street Anytown, US