sample="quota" bates="2040797915" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ni" date="19800815" LEO BURNETT U.S.A. ADVERTISING PRUDENTIAL PLAZA CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601 312-565-5959 August 15, 1980 Mrs. Cheryl Lee Philip Morris U.S.A. 100 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 RE: PHILIP MORRIS U.S.A. - 50+/50- Media Weight Test Revision Dear Cheryl: Per our phone conversation yesterday, the Marlboro Page 2/Color ad the week of 7/14 in TA 503 - New Orleans AB papers, as part of the 50+/50- Media Weight Test, has been changed to a Marlboro B/W page. The ad scheduled, entitled "Blue Shirt Bronc," is not produced in color, hence the change to B/W. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, LEO BURNETT U.S.A. Dawn Leslie Banas Media Buyer /arf cc: Mr. Claude Beck