sample="supplemental" bates="2040722635" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ue" date="19880502" Get enriched quick. Want a big return on a small investment? Here's the deal. A cigarette that gives you all the rich, smooth satisfying flavor you want, with even less tar than other leading lights. How do we do it? Enriched Flavor.™ How do you get in on it? Invest in a pack of Merit. Enriched Flavor,™ low tar. A solution with Merit. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. The world's first do-it-yourself print ad. Close your eyes and imagine the most flavorful picture you can. Now, think "Merit." Congratulations! You've created the perfect Merit ad. Because flavor is what Merit is all about. Merit Enriched Flavor™ delivers real smoking satisfaction with even less tar than leading lights. So thanks for your help. You created the perfect image for Merit. And you saved us a bundle on expensive photography. Enriched Flavor,™ low tar. A solution with Merit. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. This cigarette is far more flavorful than this ad. Rather than filling this page with pictures, we present you with some interesting food for thought. Because of Enriched Flavor,™ Merit gives you all the sooth, satisfying taste you want in a cigarette, yet has even less tar than other leading lights. Now isn't that an appetizing idea? Enriched Flavor,™ low tar. A solution with Merit. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Get enriched quick. Want a big return on a small investment? Here's the deal. A cigarette that gives you all the rich, smooth satisfying flavor you want, with even less tar than other leading lights. How do we do it? Enriched Flavor™. How do you get in on it? Invest in a pack of Merit. Enriched Flavor,™ low tar. A solution with Merit. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Flavor. Let's not beat around the bush. Flavor is what Merit's all about. Real, satisfying flavor. Take-a-puff, relaxing, rewarding, down-to-your-toes flavor. It's what you love about smoking. It's what you get from Merit. And because of Enriched Flavor,™ Merit delivers all this taste with even less tar than other leading lights. If that sounds like your kind of cigarette, just say the word. Enriched Flavor,™ low tar. A solution with Merit. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.