sample="quota" bates="2031402953" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ni" date="19851022" PHILIP MORRIS U. S. A. INTER-OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION produced by Philip Morris...subject to a court order in Philip Morris v. ABC. This document and its contents shall not be used, shown or distributed except as provided in the court's order. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA To: . Distribution Date: October 22, 1985 From: . H. H. Maxwell Subject: . Menthol - Nicotine Subjective Interaction You are invited to participate in a smoking evaluation of Menthol-Nicotine interaction. Cigarette are Marlboro types with various nicotine deliveries, but with the same menthol deliveries in smoke. If you are interested, we will meet in the Flavor Development Smoking Room Thursday, October 24, 1985 immediately after the Development meeting in T3W1. H. M. Maxwell HMM/abt CC: Ms. L. Brown Mr. W. Claflin Mr. R. Green Dr. R. Ikeda Dr. A. Kalllianos Mr. C. Moogalian Mr. W. Nichols Mr. H. Spielberg Ms. B. Taylor C85-04090