sample="supplemental" bates="2024271757" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ne" date="19871119" September 19, 1987 VF Mr. Frank E. Resnik PO Box 2870 New York, N.Y. 10116 Dear Mr. Resnik: Thank you for sending me the letters to send to lawmakers. I can assure you that not only have I signed and mailed the letters but, I have also added what you stated; personal P.S. for extra impact. I want you to know that I am behind you all the way in this matter. If there is any thing that I can do further to help, please let me know. Could I please send you some addresses of people who feel the same way and want to help in the fight of this unfairness of increase in cigarette tax? I admire you for taking a stand for us voters. You can count on me for support. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything that will help fight tax increase. Thank you. Sincerely, "Letters sent" with P.S. P.S. I think it will force Americans out of jobs if our Cigarettes become overpriced and overtaxed and are no longer bought in favor of the Cheaper Jay Cigarettes that will "flood" America, just like the auto industry and you know it. Why doesn't the man driving the big V8 Limo not have to pay Double the Gasoline tax as the man driving the 4 cylinder car? The V8 man is making twice the smoke per mile! I'm 49 and smoked for 38 years and no one ever said a thing about my smoke. Now you gotta in the back of the airplane, you can't do this you can't do that. Well thats discrimination It's against the Constitution to penalize an American simply because he smokes. It's a matter of freedom of choice - of Preference, same as the man in the V8. period. He likes, He Dislikes, He Do's He Dos'nt - "No Difference" - equal under the law - Black, white yellow or- Redman. It's the The Law./Should we Tax jogger's for wearing out all the snickers from Brazile and Austraila that killed our shoe