sample="quota" bates="2024058560" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ui" date="19840000" 59569-29-5 PROG: 55 (15) F570 03.1 55 16 /07 GSER: 1 AND 15 PROG: 55 (16) FSTG (1) 55 17/07 USER: PRINT TI, AU, SO, AB PROG: Lymomene 5958-27-5 TI - Inhibition of DMBA-induced mammary cancer by the monoterpene d-limonane Au - Elegoege of Au- Elson CE Au- Guresni A AU - Tanner MA AU- Gould MN BO - Carcinogenisis (London); VOL 5, IS5 5, 1984 AB - CbfC COPYRIGHT: CHEM ABS Whether the addn. of d-limonene (1) D5989-27-5 to the diets of rats would modify the process of mammarry tumor induction by DMBA d57-97-63 was studied. When comtg. 1000 or 10,000 ppm I were fed to rats from 1 wk before DMBA administration to the end of the expt. (27wk post-DMBA treatment), a signification regn. in mammary carcinogenesis was obsd. at each level. The inhibition of carcinogenesis was mainly due to an increase in istency; however, major differences in incidence could be seen during the follow-up period. Rats fed 10,000 ppm I had a 72% redn. in mammary tumors when compared to controls at 18 wk post-DMBA treatment. I also caused the regression of frank mammary tumors. No toxicity was evident in these rats even at the highest dose.