sample="quota" bates="2021651791" isource="pm" decade="1980" class="ui" date="19820000" Nicotine aza-areues Objective: to determine whether the production of aza-areues from nicotine constitutes a significant contribution to salmonella/microsome activity of CSC. Proposal: to add nicotine citrate to LTF-SE at a level equivalent to 5% nicotine, prepare sheets, cut, and make cigarettes. Prepare control LTF-SE by the same procedure. Smoke, collect IT-CSC, and fractionate into acids, bases, neutrals. Prepare a pot residue from each base fraction. Test CSC's, acids, neutrals & PR's in S/M assay. An initial experiment should be carried out where LTF-SE is smoked, IT-CSC trapped, and a base fract prepared and tested in S/M assay. The % bases should be recorded to ascertain the feasibility of detecting any S/M activity due to nicotine azaareus. The nicotine citrate could be added to a small amount of LTF to determine whether there is any chance of finding activity. This may or not mean anything especially if negative results are obtained. For the above reason, I believe it would be better to calculate what the minimum number of cigarettes is, with the highest reasonable level of nicotine that would be capable of yielding positive results if the activity due to nicotine azaareus is significant. Facts: 1. 98% of nicotine survives unchanged. 2% is pyrolyzed. 2. 0.03-0.006% of C nicotine in filler is transferred to the aza-arene fraction. (monthly Serum. , 2525, July 1982). of MS-CSC 0.3-1.5 mg of aza-areues would be expected from 100 cigarettes @ 5% nicotine in LTF. The 0.3-1.5 mg would be diluted by some factor, which could be determined by smoking the LTF-SE control and fractionality as described above. The wt. of P.R. would indicate a dilution factor. 4. CSC from LTF-SE is ca 23mg/cig. 5. if base fr. = 5% of CSC, then 1-2 mg base fr/cig. 6. calc. of amt. of cupds (azaareues) likely in PR. 0.003-0.0015 mg azaareues/cig formulaname 7. Conclusions: the aza-areues collectively would have to have a S/M activity of 100,000 to 1,000,000 rev/mg. to exhibit an overall PR S/M activity of 1500 rev/mg at 5% nicotine in LTF, assuming 5% base fr. from LTF-SE. At 10% nicotine, chances are doubled for detecting activity, or if the base fr. from LTF-SE is only 2.5% of CSC, the same would be true. The # of cigarettes to be smoked would depend on the yield of base fraction from LTF-SE. Probably would smoke at least 60 if LTF + nicotine citrate is prepared, since it would likely be prepared in 100g batches.