sample="quota" bates="11294502" isource="ctr" decade="1970" class="ni" date="19720829" August 29, 1972 Dr. Mearl F. Stanton Laboratory of Pathology National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Stanton: I hope that after the elapse of several years, you may yet recall my visit to your laboratory in 1959, our conversations in Perugia in 1965 and our correspondence in 1967 with respect to a supply of cigarette smoke condensate for your beeswax implantation experiments. The grape-vine now has it that you have achieved results from these studies that you are now preparing to publish. I hope that your promise of Jan. 1967 still holds. Naturally any prepublication information will be considered highly confidential. Very sincerely yours, Robert C. Hockett, Ph.D. Acting Scientific Director RCH:vr encl.