sample="quota" bates="03023603" isource="ll" decade="1980" class="ni" date="19830426" Lorillard MEMORANDUM April 26, 1983 Mr. C.H. JUDGE MR. J.R. AVE DR. A.W. SPEARS MR. R.H. ORCUTT CAB - Smoking on Aircraft The attached memorandum fills in some of the details missing from the recent news articles on the CAB's latest effort to regulate smoking aboard aircraft. Although I am not burdening you with the entire CAB Staff Report, you may find three pages (2, 3 and 4) of the draft notice informative as to the belabored history of the CAB smoking regulations. I will advise you further regarding the Industry's submission of comments on these latest proposed regulations. Arthur J. Stevens AJS/pm Atts. CC: Mr. J.R. Cherry Mr. R.S. Goldbrenner Mrs. E. Dubbs