sample="quota" bates="01195752" isource="ll" decade="1960" class="ni" date="19630805" August 5th, 1963 Peter Bernfeld Ph.D. Bio-Research Consultants, Inc. 9 Commercial Avenue Cambridge 41, Mass. Dear Dr. Bernfeld: Dr. Homburger wrote to us on July 25th that your laboratory had been approached by the Celanese Corporation with respect to undertaking an experiment involving the painting of mice with tobacco tar. His letter requested our permission for the adoption of such a program. As we told you over the phone, the Celanese Corporation supplies the cigarette industry with cellulose acetate fiber for cigarette filters and because of this situation we were very reluctant for you to undertake work with them which might conflict with the painting studies that you are now conducting for us. However, as a result of this phone conversation, we have heard from Dr. L. A. Lee of Celanese this morning and he has explained to us what tobacco tars he wishes you to paint. From his description it is quite apparent that no conflict would exist and, therefore, it is perfectly all right with us for you to undertake the experiment which they have in mind. Very truly yours, HBP:SS