sample="quota" bates="01137715" isource="ll" decade="1960" class="ni" date="19650112" January 12, 1965 Dr. A. W. Spears Senior Research Chemist P. Lorillard Company 2525 East Market Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 Dear Dr. Spears: Thank you very much for your letter of January 7th and the charcoal filter cigarette samples to which it pertained. We will certainly be looking forward to learning of your conclusions about these cigarettes and others manufactures from the various carbon samples we have sent. In our own humble taste test, we have found No. 982 (oxidized material) to be preferred by four out of five individuals. The fifth individual made no distinction and, if I remember the "rules" which we discussed several months ago, this person has probably earned a disqualification from future testing. The comments were varied but could be condensed in saying that No. 982 had a richer and more distinct taste impression, particularly on the first three to four puffs. Thank you once again for your consideration in allowing us to gain further background in cigarette flavor testing. We will be happy to provide additional samples or be of any further service you feel appropriate. Yours truly, PITTSBURGH ACTIVATED CARBON COMPANY Donald Tiggelbeck Manager-Tobacco Industry Sales DDT:Cmt cc: Dr. H. B. Parmele Dr. C. O. Jensen